The Other Folk is a media outlet dedicated to the many faces of horror in film, art, music, and literature. We’re non-discriminating types who enjoy folktales, the high-brow, the low-brow, the terrifying, the silly, and even the sometimes cringe-worthy.
Meg Sipos
Marketer of things. Writer of dark fiction and literary horror... apparently.
I spent most of my life convinced I hated horror. Then Eric convinced me to join him in watching a few classics. And then we just... kept watching. While I’ll never be a great fan of gore, I’ll forever champion smart horror comedy. So maybe I do like this vast, wide-ranging genre after all. Looking back on my publication history, I probably should have known sooner.
Eric Botts
Master of dungeons, essayist.
I grew up on a steady diet of movies and video games that were probably not very age appropriate. I distinctly remember watching Warlock with my dad when I was six years old. These dangerous media warped my fragile mind, turning me into a brooding adult looking to wallow in gothic horror and post punk. I’m also a fanatic for horror that builds entire worlds and mythologies just to tell a simple story.